
MRSD Newsletter

A bi-annual read for the basement roboticists.

MRSD students sleep 30% less during the program Class of '24 thinks they cook better than class of '25 MRSD students think that AGI will be achieved in <30 years ~70% of MRSD students would rather change the world than travel it for free MRSD students believe that robots will be sold like commodities in the near future 5% of MRSD students have never got free food at CMU >70% of the batch of '25 think that humanoids won't be in homes for the next 20 years

Welcome to the 1st edition of the MRSD Newsletter! 

This is a platform to bring our amazing community closer by sharing the latest updates, ideas and accomplishments in the community.   

Since its inception in 2011, the MRSD program has cultivated an extensive network of outstanding students, alumni, and faculty.

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Faculty Speak

Prof. John Dolan

Program Director, MRSD

Dear MRSD Alumni,
I’m really pleased to have been asked to give a brief word on the occasion of the restart of our alumni newsletter. Thanks to the MRSD newsletter editorial team for their initiative and enthusiasm, and to all who have contributed. I am eager to see it continue and serve as a way of strengthening the ties among our growing group of alumni – which now exceeds 400!
Here are a couple of MRSD news tidbits: 1) Last year we launched an MRSD software bootcamp for incoming students to review during the summer before entry, and this year we will release the second edition to the Fall 2024 incoming students. Thanks to MRSD alumnus Nevin Valsaraj for his good work in helping to make that happen. Once the second edition is ready, I will probably share it with all the alumni to see what feedback you have. 2) This year’s Project Course has the largest number of industry-supported projects yet, with Koppers, Meta, Moss, Nissan, and Smith & Nephew all sponsoring.
I hope each of you is doing well and weathering the difficult tech job market. Last year was the toughest one so far in placing students in internships and full-time jobs, but in the end we had 100% placement of MRSD students and graduates, and I’m hopeful for the same result this year. I appreciate the help that has been provided by MRSD alumni in that regard through job postings and interactions with current students.
Now I’ll turn it over to the editors to see if they can cram this into their page limit. Best wishes to each of you in all dimensions of your lives!
With warm regards,
Sarah Conte

Program Manager, MRSD

Hello to my MRSD Family! This summer marks my 8-year work anniversary, and I am thrilled to share that the MRSD program is thriving. It brings me immense joy to connect with you through the biannual newsletter, which is a brand new, grass-roots initiative led by five current students and two alumni. This editorial team has displayed passion and drive like I’ve never seen before – especially during such a busy time in their lives – and I cannot thank them enough for making this happen.

The newsletter is important because there is so much happening within our community!  It only makes sense to share it broadly so we can celebrate together and push forward toward new heights. In these pages, you will discover inspiring stories of academic triumphs, groundbreaking projects, and the unwavering spirit of our community. From the lab to the lecture hall, our students continue to push boundaries, fueled by curiosity and guided by exceptional mentors.

As we embrace the promise of spring, let’s continue to learn, innovate, and lift one another up. Your passion fuels the program’s success, and I thank you for being part of our close-knit family. Enjoy the first edition, and please consider how you can get involved in the future!

Warm regards,

Sarah Conte, Manager of MRSD Program


Give back to the community!

Enjoyed a particular section? Have suggestions for the next edition? Want to get involved?

We’d love to hear from you! Fill the form below and let us know your thoughts.  


Hello successful MRSD alum! We hope you know that you’re an inspiration to current MRSD students. If you’d like to see the program flourish, consider donating to the program. Feel free to reach out to Sarah Conte (program manager) if you have any specific questions. 

Until Next Time!

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