Showcasing the thoughts and hot takes of the MRSD batches throughout the years!
Discover the Distinct Perspectives of each MRSD Cohort
Each batch and its students offer a unique perspective, and our team sought to capture it. We devised a set of questions to unveil these perspectives and showcase how MRSD influences them. Check out what people think here!
Batch of 2025
Batch of 2026
The RoboCommons Conundrum
How much time do you spend at the Commons?
Batch of 2025
Batch of 2026
Fun Fact
100% of the MRSD'25 cohort is unaware that complimentary snacks were available in the RoboLounge until 2023.
MRSD's Got Talent
We have some amazing talents, which don't intent to stay hidden anymore. Here are the top contenders:
"I can mimic a goat's sound"
Anonymous, MRSD'25
"I can bend my pinky 180 degrees"
Anonymous MRSD'26
"I can expand and contract my stomach on command, which makes my belly oscillate by a lot"
Anonymous, MRSD'25
"Can cry on command"
Anonymous MRSD'26
"I can spider-walk like the exorcist ghost"
Anonymous, MRSD'25
"I can guess the time of day despite not seeing the sun"
Anonymous, MRSD'26
"I can DJ"
Anonymous, MRSD '26
"I can roast a marshmallow to perfection"
Anonymous, MRSD '26
"I can juggle 3 balls"
Anonymous, MRSD '26
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Kitchen Wars
Which Batch Boasts Better Cooking Skills (Or Just Think It Does?)